ABC for Pilates
Absolute Beginners Club for Pilates
£14.00 for 7 days of tips, teaching & get ready for attending classes
Worried about coming into an established class?
Not sure how Pilates works?
Learn how to get the most of your workouts but attending this Beginners Club. You will learn how to workout at your pace, (Safely & effectively) learn the breathing patterns for movement, understand the 7 principles of human movement and get personalised training from Jacqui
Commences as soon as you sign up
For the next 7 days you will receive emails, videos and live streaming of workshops (recorded and available to watch over and over again, and if you cannot attend) of the benefits, techniques of movement and how to get the most for your body in our classes. Once you have completed this, you can then move into our venue classes or attend our zoom classes if you prefer to stay online.
Live Stream Beginner Workshop will be be streamed Tuesday Evening at 7pm via zoom or Facebook Closed Group (recorded if you cannot attend live session) or you can attend a zoom session below
Our weekly Classes are
Monday 7:15pm Scout Hut, Buntingford
Tuesday 10am Zoom Live Stream
Tuesday 11:15am Swifts Football Clubhouse, Bishop’s Stortford
Tuesday 6:30pm Zoom Live Stream
Wednesday 7:15pm Scout Hut, Buntingford
Thursday 10am Zoom Live Stream
Thursday 10am Seth Ward Centre, Buntingford
Friday 10am Scout Hut, Buntingford
email, text or whatsapp me for BACS details
07956 647807