
Fitness Pilates Hertfordshire

“I must be right, never an aspirin, never injured a day in my life, the whole country the whole world should be doing my exercises and they’d be happier.” – Joseph Hubertus Pilates, in 1965, age 86.

What to expect from our classes

We offer mat based classes for all levels.  Adaptations for those who attend with post injury/weakness recovery work

All our classes are open to everyone as we offer many differentiation moves and all classes offer progressions and regressions.

We concentrate on the seven principles of human movement – hinge, plank, push, pull, squat, lunge and rotation.

All our classes are pay as you go and you can swap and change classes as much as you want and are not committed to booking a block of weeks.  £6 per session

Pilates was created by Joseph Pilates in 1920’s and is a full body workout working on proper alignment, good technique of moves and correct breathing.  It also increases flexibility and also induces a sense of relaxation and well being

Each week we work with different props – Gymsofts, dumbbells, gymballs, dynabands, activation bands, prickle balls and blocks to challenge the body concentrating on the core.

More information


Venue Classes Place & Timesam_0646

Monday 11:15am-noon

Methodist Church Hall, Ware Road, Hertford SG13 7DZ

Monday 7:15pm-8pm 

Layston School, The Causeway, Buntingford

Tuesday 9:30am-10:15am     BS U3A Pilates

Swifts Football Clubhouse, Silvery Leys, Bishop’s Stortford CM23 2QE

Please note there are no spaces available on this session

Tuesday 11:30am-12:15pm  

Swifts Football Clubhouse, Silvery Leys, Bishop’s Stortford CM23 2QE

Wednesday 7:15-8pm 

Layston School, The Causeway, Buntingford

Friday 10am-10:45am   

Scout Hut, Bowling Green Lane, Buntingford (Summer 24 Layston School outside weather permitting)

Streamed Live Studio Classes

Tuesday 10:00am

Tuesday 6:30pm

Thursday 10:00am

Contact theteam@jacqui-smith.net for more information about joining classes

We also offer One To One Pilates sessions Click Here

Joseph Pilates was the Einstein of Fitness not only for creating a unique and highly effective exercise method, but also for discovering the healing power of core strength and the tremendous benefits of eccentric contraction, dynamic stretch, enhanced breathing, and fluid movement. Furthermore, he created one of the few exercise methods that combines everything the body needs – strength training, stretching, and aerobics. 

Learn more about Pilates CLICK HERE

Have you heard Pilates can help keep Colds at bay CLICK HERE

Prone Pilates Sequence

Lying Abs Pilates

Standing Pilates

Supine Pilates Workout